Stage 1: Spider veins The first stage sees the formation of spider veins in your legs. These tend to look unsightly but don’t always cause pain or discomfort. However, they should never be ignored.
Stage 2: Varicose veins When you see those big, bulging veins show up on your legs and feet, that means varicose veins. Some people don’t experience discomfort with varicose veins, but many do.
Stage 3: Swelling If you don’t treat your varicose veins at first sight, they tend to get worse. One of the things that happen when treatment doesn’t occur is swelling. This is a result of the poor circulation in your body and can be a major hindrance on your quality of life. Swelling may also contribute to damage of your lymphatic system.
Stage 4: Skin discoloration or rashes When the veins are left untreated, the blood continues to pool in the area surrounding the damaged vein, which can lead to a change in color of the skin. The pooling blood at the surface can trigger an inflammatory response indicated by a red, itchy rash called venous stasis dermatitis.
Stage 5: Ulcers If left untreated, venous insufficiency could progress to venous stasis ulcers, which are open sores that occur as a result of the skin tissue breaking down on your leg. These ulcers and sores can be extremely painful and make it difficult to move around. You do not want to get to this stage of CVI. If you have progressed to this stage, it is imperative that you have your veins evaluated and treated as soon as possible. Treatment helps to heal the wounds and prevent their recurrence.