Procedure Preparation

It is important to be informed about pre-procedure guidelines. Being fully prepared for your appointment and following recommendations for care will help ensure a successful treatment. 

  1. Please inform us of any allergy to medications you may have.
  2. You may need to have bloodwork done before your procedure.
  3. You will be receiving a local anesthetic during your procedure. As such, we cannot allow you to drive home. Please arrange for someone to take you home following this procedure.
  4. You appointment time is for 1 and a half hours.
  5. Bring your compression stocking on the day of your procedure.
  6. Drinking a lot of water the day prior to your procedure will help on the procedure day to access the veins.
  7. If you take aspirin, other blood thinners or supplements such as vitamin C & E on a regular basis, please tell the doctor. DO  NOT  START  any aspirin products, Vitamin C or E for seven (7) days prior to having the procedure performed.
  8. WOMEN- You may shave the operative leg up to the night before the procedure. No lotions or oils should be applied to the leg the day of your procedure.
  9. Do not come to the office on an empty stomach. We encourage you to have a small meal 1 to 2 hours prior to your procedure.
  10. After the procedure, you will have a dressing on your leg. Please leave this dressing in place as long as possible up to 7 days. Do not get your dressing wet.  You will need to wear your thigh hi stocking day and night for the first week and then only during the day for one more week and then off.
  11. We expect you to resume all your pre-procedure activities including work the following day. We would like you to continue to keep moving and maintain a normal level of activity except as noted below.
  12. After your surgery, avoid strenuous exercise such as high-impact aerobics, weight training heavy lifting or running for 2 weeks. Walking daily is encouraged and promotes speedy healing (30 minutes or more daily is recommended).  Also avoid prolonged sitting or standing for the first week.
  13. Your after surgery instructions will be reviewed with you the day of the procedure.