by usaeedd | Oct 14, 2017
Varicose veins are not usually dangerous, and some people have no symptoms. In many people, however, the varicose veins are associated with pain, aching, itching, burning, a heavy or tired feeling in the legs, swelling or cramps, or may spontaneously rupture &...
by usaeedd | Oct 14, 2017
Veins are the blood vessels through which blood flows back to the heart. Blood that flows into the legs must circulate and then return to the heart. Because the blood needs to flow uphill and against gravity, the veins in the lower part of the body must work hard to...
by usaeedd | Oct 14, 2017
Spider veins are small veins that appear as bluish or reddish lines just under the surface of the skin.
by usaeedd | Oct 14, 2017
Varicose Veins are abnormally enlarged blood vessels in which blood has pooled. They usually are bluish in color, and may appear twisted. They are very common on legs, especially among women. The tendency to develop varicose veins is thought to be linked with...